Weight Loss

“Health Risks Associated With Obesity”

Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem. It's a health hazard. Someone who is 40% overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as is an average-weight person.

This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions, including:
Heart disease and stroke
High blood pressure
Gallbladder disease and gallstones
Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea (when a person stops breathing for a short time during sleep) and asthma

Doctors generally agree that the more obese a person is the more likely he or she is to have health problems. People who are 20% or more overweight can gain significant health benefits from losing weight. Many obesity experts believe that people who are less than 20% above their healthy weight should still try to lose weight if they have any of the following risk factors.

  • Family history of certain chronic diseases. People with close relatives who have had heart disease or diabetes are more likely to develop these problems if they are obese.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions. High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or high blood sugar levels are all warning signs of some obesity-associated diseases.
  • "Apple" shape. People whose weight is concentrated around their stomachs may be at greater risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, or cancer than people of the same weight who are "pear-shaped" (they carry their weight in their hips and buttocks).

Fortunately, even a modest weight loss of 10 to 20 pounds can bring significant health improvements, such as lowering one's blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

How Is Obesity Linked to Heart Disease and Stroke?

Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death and disability for people in the U.S. Overweight people are more likely to have high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, than people who are not overweight. Very high blood levels of cholesterol can also lead to heart disease and often are linked to being overweight. Being overweight also contributes to angina (chest pain caused by decreased oxygen to the heart) and sudden death from heart disease or stroke without any signs or symptoms.
The good news is that losing a small amount of weight can reduce your chances of developing heart disease or a stroke. Reducing your weight by 10% can decrease your chance of developing heart disease.

How Is Obesity Linked to Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes reduces your body's ability to control blood sugar. It is a major cause of early death, heart disease, stroke, and blindness. Overweight people are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to normal weight people. You can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by losing weight and exercising more. If you have type 2 diabetes, losing weight and becoming more physically active can help control your blood sugar levels. Increasing your physical activity may also allow you to reduce the amount of diabetes medication you need.

How Is Obesity and Cancer Linked?

Several types of cancer are associated with being overweight. In women, these include cancer of the uterus, gallbladder, cervix, ovary, breast, and colon. Overweight men are at higher risk for developing colorectal cancerand prostate cancer. For some types of cancer, such as colon or breast, it is not clear whether the increased risk is due to the extra weight or to a high-fat, high-calorie diet.

How Is Obesity Related to Gallbladder Disease?

Gallbladder disease and gallstones are more common if you are overweight. Your risk of disease increases as your weight increases. It is not clear how being overweight may cause gallbladder disease.
Ironically, weight loss itself, particularly rapid weight loss or loss of a large amount of weight, can actually increase your chances of developing gallstones. Modest, slow weight loss of about 1 pound a week is less likely to cause gallstones.

How Does Obesity Cause Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a common joint condition that most often affects the knee, hip, and lower back joints. Carrying extra pounds places extra pressure on these joints and wear away the cartilage (tissue that cushions the joints) that normally protects them.
Weight loss can decrease stress on the knees, hips, and lower back and may improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

How Is Obesity Linked to Gout?

Gout is a disease that affects the joints that is caused by high levels of a substance called uric acid in the blood. The large amount of uric acid can form into solid or crystal-like masses that deposit in the joints. Gout is more common in overweight people and the risk of developing the disorder increases with higher body weights.
Over the short term, certain dietary changes may lead to an attack of gout in people who have high levels of uric acid or who have had gout before. If you have a history of gout, check with your doctor before trying to lose weight.

How Is Obesity Linked to Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a serious breathing condition that is associated with being overweight. Sleep apnea can cause a person to snore heavily and to stop breathing for short periods during sleep. Sleep apnea may cause daytime sleepiness and even heart failure. The risk for sleep apnea increases as body weight increases. Weight loss usually improves sleep apnea.

Why the Weight Gain?

Obvious reasons for weight gain are taking in more calories than usual or reducing the amount of physical activity in your life. However, some people seem to gain weight even when they are eating and exercising the same as always. Let's look deeper at possible reasons for weight gain.

Not Enough Sleep

 If you're not sleeping, you have more chances to indulge in late-night snacking. This is obvious. However, there's another reason lack of sleep might be adding on the pounds: biochemical changes in your body resulting from sleep deprivation can make you hungrier and leave you feeling less full after eating.


 Cortisol, the so-called "stress hormone," increases in our body when we're stressed out. This hormone, in turn, increases our appetite. Add to that the tendency to reach for comfort foods at times of stress, and you have a perfect opportunity for weight gain.


A side effect of many antidepressant medications is weight gain. While you should never stop taking any medications on your own, you can talk to your doctor about changing your treatment plan if weight gain is troubling you. Some people may experience weight gain after the drug treatment is working, because they may and feel better and have a better appetite. Depression on its own can cause changes in weight as well.


 Steroid medications such as prednisone are well-known causes of weight gain due to fluid retention and increased appetite. The amount of weight gain depends both on the dose of the drug and the length of time it is taken. Steroids can also cause a temporary change in body fat distribution, with increased fat in the face, back of the neck, or the abdomen.

Drugs That May Cause Weight Gain

 Other prescription drugs you take can also cause weight gain. Examples include antipsychotic drugs used to treat disorders such as schizophreniaor bipolar disorder, as well as drugs that are used to manage seizures, migraines, diabetes, and hypertension. You can talk with your doctor about choosing medication options that have fewer side effects.

Don't Be Quick To Blame the Pill

 Many women believe taking combination oral contraceptives (birth controlpills) causes weight gain. However, there is no scientific evidence this is the case. Some women may have mild fluid retention while taking the pill, but this is usually temporary.


 Symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland include tiredness, feeling cold, and gaining weight. Having too low levels of thyroid hormone(hypothyroidism) slows your metabolism and increases the chance you'll gain weight. Hypothyroidism can be treated with medications.

Don't Blame Menopause

 Most women gain some weight during menopause due to a number of reasons. Aging slows the metabolism, so weight gain is likely if your dietary habits remain the same. Changes in lifestyle, like exercising less, can also play a role. Menopause can also affect the location of fat deposits in the body, increasing the likelihood of accumulating fat around the waist.

Cushing's Syndrome

 Cushing's syndrome is a condition characterized by elevated levels of the hormone cortisol. It can occur if your body makes too much cortisol or if you take steroid medications for asthmalupus, or arthritis. Cortisol excess can cause weight gain and an increase of fat around the face, neck, waist, and upper back.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

 Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is a hormonal condition that affects women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS typically have many small cysts within the ovaries. PCOS causes hormonal imbalances that can lead to excess body hair, acne, and insulin resistance, which can cause weight gain. In PCOS, the weight gain tends to occur in the abdominal area, increasing the risk for heart disease.

Quitting Smoking

 People who quit smoking may gain a small amount of weight. Most people who quit gain 10 lbs. or less. The reasons are varied, Without nicotine:

  • You may feel hungrier, although this effect tends to disappear after a few weeks.
  • Your metabolism may decrease.
  • You may enjoy food more or feel it tastes better, which could lead to overindulging.
  • You may eat more high fat or sugary snacks, or drink more alcohol.

Rule 1: If You Do Gain Weight ...
If you do gain weight, never stop taking any medications without talking with your doctor. The medications may be essential for your health and well-being.
Rule 2: If You Do Gain Weight ...
If you do put on weight from taking a drug, don't compare yourself to others taking the same medication. Side effects are different for different people. Talk to your doctor if you feel you're experiencing weight gain as a medication side effect.
Rule 3: If You Do Gain Weight ...
Don't panic if you gain weight due to water retention as a medication side effect. This side effect may decrease with time or when your doctor tells you to stop the drug. In the meantime, you can avoid fluid retention by following a lower-sodium diet.
Rule 4: If You Do Gain Weight ...
Your doctor may be able to switch you to a different drug with fewer side effects if you are troubled by weight gain.
Rule 5: If You Do Gain Weight ...
If your weight gain is a result of slowed metabolism, give your metabolism a boost. Start moving and increasing your physical activity. If you have a chronic medical condition, discuss your plans with your doctor.


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